Great Recipes with Bacon

[caption id="attachment_337" align="alignnone" width="300"]cooked applewood smoked bacon 37364258 - bacon[/caption]Bacon is a delicious and versatile ingredient that can be used in many ways – here are some of our favorite bacon recipes, some of them traditional, others unusual, but all of them delicious:
- French toast with bacon and cheese – dip the slices of bread into a mixture of eggs and buttermilk and fry them on one side. Place bacon and cheese on the browned side of the slice, then place another slice on top and put the assembly back into the pan for frying. Continue with the layering until your sandwich is of the desired height.
- Lasagna – cook the bacon until crisp, then fry some onions and make a béchamel sauce. Spread one third of the sauce and add a layer of bacon and grated cheese on the lasagna sheets, then repeat the layer. Sprinkle parmesan on top and place it all in the oven until the top is brown and crispy.
- Pasta with bacon – prepare the pasta as per the instructions, then slice some mushrooms of choice and fry them on a drop of oil. Fry the bacon until it becomes crispy, then cut the slice into pieces. Mix the mushrooms and the bacon with some cream, add some garlic and pepper, then stir until the sauce becomes rich and creamy. Stir in the pasta and sprinkle some parmesan and fresh parsley on top.

These recipes are just a few shared to show you how delicious and versatile bacon is. If you are looking for
heavenly tasting bacon delivery, check out High Valley Farm for incredible offers.

Original Post on: Great Recipes with Bacon


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